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Monday, January 9, 2012

replace feeling but duty can create it.
The secret to a great marriage is to keep falling in love over and over again with the same person. To love is duty. To fall in love is joy. Duty cannot

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Uncertainty breeds worry and fear. Certainty of success is the antidote. Expect victory and establish the process that produces success knowing that God is working in you for you and with you.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

When you feel hateful start being grateful. Anger in a marriage can produce the worst of emotions. But start remembering all of the good things that your spouse has already done for you and you will put yourself in a state of mind to bring healing

Preparing our kids for marriage

Marriages keep failing because parents and pastors fail to prepare young people to nurture and to mature their sexual selves. When is the last time a family bible study, dinner conversation, or teen group meeting was held around the Song of Solomon. It's time that the community of faith started to teach its children how to celebrate and satisfy their sexuality without sin.